I can honestly say the west wellbeing service from day 1 has given me help at multiple stages of the last 3 years. No matter how many times I feel I need to return they welcome me with open arms and make me feel safe. Without this service I would be completely lost, if it wasn’t for the staff in the hub I don’t know where I would be right now. At one point I felt I was at high risk and without this centre I would have probably gotten gradually worse over time leading to me doing something I would ultimately never be able to come back from.
I still use the service to this day and they help me deal with my emotions and mental wellbeing which is something I have struggled to do for so long. The councillors in this facility helped me understand myself more and more every time I come in.
This service does not get the credit it deserves. It is severely under rated and should be the forefront of this community. What this place does is life saving. Without this place there would be so many lives lost and I know that first hand.
I can’t thank them enough.